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Writer's pictureDoctor Love

The Most Impactful Relationship

Updated: May 20, 2022

Your Relationship With Yourself

The best place to learn how to treat, interact, understand, love, one another is to begin with ourselves.

"Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults." quote by Les Brown.

Your Most Impactful Relationship

Do you want to make the relationships in your life better? Maybe you're having trouble getting started or building organic relationships. Be sure to recall that you're human and you will let yourself down. And guess what: it's not the end of the world. The effort you put into trying is what will impact your life most. That doesn't end at relationships, but it's significant. Now don't intentionally let yourself down. Reach within yourself constantly. Many people ask me, "how do I talk to people?" I think this question might just be a crux to successfully starting a relationship (anything from friendship to business partner), or... not. We're social creatures - the very nature of many of our interactions can make or break an opportunity, advancement, ect. So how? I say start with yourself.

Keeping Yourself Promises: The Simplest Habit

For example, ask yourself "can I keep promises to others, but not to myself?" Or vice versa. Being able to do one well and not the other isn't sustainable. What does a promise to yourself have to do with being able to talk to people? Nothing directly. It's being able to build up to something bigger. Start with keeping yourself promises and tallying the times you haven't let yourself down. Little things, but say them out loud. "I promise I'm going to run to the store tomorrow, and grab some eggs." Or "I promise to give myself an hour to relax next week." As your relationship with yourself becomes more structured, you'll find that it naturally carries over into other aspects of your life. What's more - the times you fail to follow through with yourself, kind of become unimportant. Your focus is how many times you've been successful at building your relationship.

For the sake of measurable goals, try to reach 300. And make sure it's spread out - no more than 3 small promises to yourself per day. The more often you do this, the more often you'll be in the #habit of keeping promises. Running on willpower is great, but running on habit is even better.

Photo Credit "Meditating On The Beach" : Wix Media

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