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Reach Deep & Grab A Life Worth Living

Online Coaching with Durelle Love at Depth Resonance

Meet Durelle Love

Former MLO, Banker, Dispute Analyst... yada yada

I'm a person, not much different than you, trying hard to make myself and the world a better place.  I have accomplished a lot, but I'm still learning, doing, striving.  Two years ago, in the heart of the pandemic, I made a decision to live intentionally.  I wanted my values and my actions to match. 


Every one of us wants something better in our lives: better relationships, better finances, better outcomes.  My company is founded on principals of what I call "Depth-Resonating Love."  We all have the ability to sink or swim, after all, but beyond that, which of us can conquer our depths, grab our treasure and resurface?


Be D-R Love today.


What I Specialize In


Excellent Habits

Adopting a Healthy Mindset

Align New Goals Given Current Circumstance

Personalized Intention Plan

Achieving Realistic Results 


Diving deep is great ...when you're able to resurface. Learn how to grab your treasure and breathe in victory.

“You really taught me how to talk to people.”

- Ronald Anthony Brooks III

“You've taught me so much - there were so many things I didn't know.”

- Shylo Lollis

“You helped me understand people on a whole different level.”

- Amanda Thomas

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